Monday 1 April 2024

Recent artworks



Some recent artworks done in March, the first two are my latest portfolio illustrations and the bottom two are an environment design sketch I did recently and a character design I did for practice.

Wednesday 14 February 2024

Dec 2023 to Feb 2024 Art

New portfolio Illustration

Game mat illustration

landscape illustration

Some Illustrations that I did between December and early February. The first one is a new portfolio piece I worked on, on and off between December and January. The second is a game mat illustration idea I had. In the end I didn't go ahead with it as the cost to make and ship them wouldn’t have been worth it. And the last is a recent landscape illustration I did for fun. 

The last couple of months have been terrible, I spent all of December and January looking for housing since my landlord did a section 21 at the worst time possible with no warning. I have a new place now, just over the bridge in Saltash. Its my own space for once, before I was in shared accommodation, so it worked out well in the end.

Unfortunately during the move my hard drive was damaged and I lost everything for the second time in a few years. Thankfully I backed up the most important stuff in multiple places this time, so it wasn't as devasting as before. I don't have any of my Psds though, so I won’t be going back and editing anything. The first painting here took ages, so I am glad I backed it up.

One of the benefits of having my own place now, is a space to do some traditional art. so I did some gouache painting and biro drawings recently.